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Gods Little Haters




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<img:>For all those who look down on Christianity, and the rest of those BIG religions. We here at 'Gods Little Haters,' see how the world uses these religions to force their influence on other people.

Here are some topics to help you along:

1. Religious wars - Almost every war is started over some stupid conflict with God or Allah.

2. Puritans - Why do these fuckers have to always try to scare us into their Religion? If people didn't convert, they press, drown, or burn them at the stake.

3. Our religions - Are our religions more reasonable?

4. History - The history of religions and the conflicts between them.

This is our Kindling for the fire..

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2009-02-21 [Diiwica]: Don't take anyone too seriously on here. They do that to pretty much everyone, seriously. The main lot of them are, in my opinion, just afraid of which they do not know. They don't want their comfort zone toyed in. We all have what we believe in, and barely any of us on here say what it is. Don't feel offended if these things can't be easily accepted by those to whom you speak tword.

Seriously people, stop being so curt because someone has different views, or don't spell as well as others do. People have their weaknesses... 13s just happens to be spelling, its no big deal.

2009-02-22 [Mortified Penguin]: If you want a good debate, Bob's Diner is the place for you...

2009-02-22 [dead~spirit]: 13th hour I find your entire view of the christian religion faulty. Have you done any research?

2009-02-22 [hammersmashface]: yep...however just reading didnt saticfy my curiosity...i continued to go to several churches to understand wat "humans" wer beeing told...however that still only tought me wat one person reads and understands from (the diffrent bibles)...not enuff information i thought...thats wen i started studying "humans" themselfs on a personal religious i have spent many hours "reaserching" several religions...katholic and protestent in germany...also severl diffrent christians (brantches) in america...

however my personal views are entirely differnt from wat i have posted...theas are just some thoughts that i tryed to debate somone with...

so how is it you find my view foulty? explain how you drew your conclusion

2009-02-22 [Diiwica]: To me the entirety of taking part in monotheism seems rather, well, insane. One god creating it all, its hard to believe in.

2009-02-22 [hammersmashface]: i agree its too much power for one single source...the natural laws of all enviroments are more balanced with multiple (power/energy) source...strong and weak ones...

2009-02-22 [hammersmashface]: alot of my coworkers wer christian carpenters...during lunch they would talk about their "personal" interpatation of god nad the teachings of try to punch holes in their thoughts and they would debatet back...(all in good spirit)...i knew a buncha old people back in germany they would sit around and have coffee and cake and talk about other people not doing katholic things...i had conversations with several priest ,three i think...i always asked "humans" the same general question in order to gather a prespective on the (whole)...truthfully every one had a slightly diffrent point of view...and i think theas slight alterrations affeckted the (whole) enuff to flaw many of the religions...

2009-02-22 [Diiwica]: Its not the power thing, its more of no one being can handle that much responsibility.

2009-02-22 [hammersmashface]: yeha thats wat i has to be spread out a bit...nothing around us on earth or the cosmos is center~pointed on one thing...and so the idea of all life and every thing spawning from one unit is compleat oposit as to wat is realy going on...

2009-02-22 [Diiwica]: Its not the power thing, its more of no one being can handle that much responsibility.

I believe ALL religions have their truth to them.

2009-02-22 [hammersmashface]: wat if the truth is only wat each individual makes of it(each religion beleaves its version is the true one) would it be possible to establish wich "truth" from wich "human" is actuality?

2009-02-22 [Diiwica]: There are as many religions as there are people on this earth, each person views their 'religion' in a different was such thus. No two people agree 100% on religion, and if they claim to then, flat out they are full of shit.

2009-02-22 [dead~spirit]: First off, the bs about how all power must be divided, too much power can be bad..your talking about a god here.. not a human who lives and dies.. there have been great leaders who had all the power and di wonderful things with it, but when they died another took over and used the power to their own will, and became corrupted.. a god doesnt die very easily.. and if the god that took control of everything was in fact a good god that cared about others and about deeds instead of just what they wanted..well there is your God.. it is simple..there is no such thing as too much power, now the use of that power yes.. but being in control alone is fine.. and there seems to be a hidden force that prevents one from abusing their powers too far.. like a sort of karma.. look at every king in history or leader who tried to abuse their powers..they all fell... The power regulates its self, if it is being abused it will dispell. Simple math.. Through one way or another power will only be used for majority of good, anything less would result in a power shift.

2009-02-23 [The Voice of Difference]: Hey Dead, you know what that force is? Human willpower. If someone doesn't want to be oppressed, they won't be. Especially if many humans feel the same way.

And second, any belief in an imaginary being, is delusional. No matter what it's name or title.

2009-02-24 [hammersmashface]: well too many people dont have will power...back wen ,and even now...(personaly) i think the amount that have will power is decreasing over shure thers many that still do all over the world...also ,even tho this number is decreasing i dont beleave it would ever compleatly disapear...

wer ever ther is a strong voice ,people will that voice is good or bad...i think karma is a "iffy" thing that cant always be reliable...plenty of people have gotten away with things they have sure there wer plenty of kings or lords or tribal that did some f@ked up shit and got away with would seem that most "big time" leaders got their karma ,but (i dono)

2009-02-24 [dead~spirit]: Exactly most of them did get their karma.. and there are still a lot of people out there who have the will power, they just remain silent, because as of right now there isnt anything serious enough for them to come out onto the playing field.

2009-02-25 [The Voice of Difference]: Exactly, the populace doesn't think things are quite 'bad' enough to do anything yet. They want to stick with their convenience, and to tell the truth, who wants to give up their convenience? It's just shuffling around the corrupt power.

2009-02-28 [dead~spirit]: Well what everyone has right now is hardly worth loosing because the corrupt has not gotten high enough yet.

2009-02-28 [The Voice of Difference]: They can take people and kill them? The UN right now is trying to diminish free speech? That's not 'bad' enough for you? Where the fuck have you been?

2009-02-28 [Diiwica]: There are a vast number of people should have free speach revoked, because they lack any real productive thing to say. ">.>

2009-03-01 [hammersmashface]: i disagree...

2009-03-01 [Diiwica]: There are a vast number of people should have free speach revoked, because they lack any real productive thing to say. ">.>

2009-03-01 [dead~spirit]: Freedom of speech should never be revoked, when you start to regulate freedom of speech, you are giving the government a serious power to abuse, and considering the whole speech we had on corrupt..well I think you get the image.

2009-03-01 [hammersmashface]: also  no matter wat anyone has to matter the point or message or even how stupid it seems...some one can always take those words and mold them into a constructive some one else...any little sentance and start a spark with someone else...this freedom of speech is too important

2009-03-01 [dead~spirit]: Spot on.

2009-03-02 [dead~spirit]: That was a great find Voice, Good job. Well I never agreed with being a part of the U.N. I think its a major parasiting organization. They dont help the U.S. much, but reap tons of benefits from it. They dont really assist us any more, except in afghanistan where they station their 1/100 size armies in areas where there is the least amount of danger, and make Americas soldiers the 99/100 size army there, station in the most dangerous parts. Still its nice to see they have balls to atleast put some boots on the ground at all...

I been saying for a while we need to leave the U.N. It's not what it used to be. The concept of the U.N. has faded, it's time has passed. The U.S. needs to make a new organization of alliences, and the only countries who can be apart of it will be non terrorist accomodating countries, such as Isreal, U.K., China, Japan, Australia, etc. Were getting into a new age where a lot of countries have changed, and our old friends are not our new ones..and new friends are there ready to give us a helping hand.. China im sure would love to be allies with the U.S.A. and we would both benefit from it greatly.. They are evolving into a hybrid capitalist with socialism slowly going down the shitter.

Fuck these arabic nations that are out to kill us, the majority of the U.N. hates us.. and here is the real kicker we saved all their ass's at one place or another.. France we gave their country back to them after the damn Nazi's took they hate us.. Those guys used to love us..their older generation still does love us..but they are dieing out, and all that will be left soon will be a lot of young punk ass kids who think America sucks. We need to drop the damn U.N. and do a reset..Were the most powerful country in the world, were the most advanced, and every country out there now relies on the U.S. We are in a position to reform alliences and drop those countries that want us dead, and stop supporting their ass's. Those same countries that hate us are raising fuel prices, and funding terrorist organizations that hate us...were sending them around 98% of their food, bushels and bushels of food through a trade pact for oil..well we could easily let them starve..SO lets do it..they want to kill us so bad, were so evil..then lets be evil...

We would no longer have to support other countries and we dont need oil.. were slowly moving over to alcohol fuel products, and electric, it would be a piece of cake for America to make the full switch in 5 years if we needed, and we got enough oil in reserve and from other countries that are friendly and would sell it at a little bit higher price to last us until we made the switch over.

There is a saying "dont bite the hand that feeds you" Well our hands are about gone from being bitten so much, lets let these bastids drown in their oil, and starve.

2009-03-02 [Diiwica]: Careful dead, there is some benefit to the UN though not a lot. I'm sure this war would of been over with long ago if they weren't involved, but its good the way that it is. Sure its drawn out, but its also a lot more peaceful than what it could be. We don't really need a repeat of what the world wars were like or what Vietnam was like. Things in this world are fucked enough without needless bombings and what not.

What the US really should do is just pull out of everywhere overseas and watch out for ourselves. Fuck alliances. What good have they gotten us. The whole if they go to war we go to war thing is going to end quite badly. No matter what people say its going to end poorly. We've got enough issue in this country, I mean for fucks sake. Have you noticed what out country has become? If we were going to spend out energies we should spend it on ourselves, not spending it on aiding people who are too helpless to aid their self. 

Yeah sure its selfish, but what good has out generosity gotten us in out past?

2009-03-02 [The Voice of Difference]: We could take over the world and instate Euthanasia.

2009-03-02 [Fenier]: we do need to say fuck you to many nations and stop trying to be the worlds police force. we also need to tell the world that we are not going to help them till we have taken care of our own problems. but polititions love their rich mans game and that must stop before anything else can happen

2009-03-02 [dead~spirit]: Im sorry Diiwica but we really dont need the U.N. We could get way better benefits from a new allience organixzation like the one I stated above. Could you imagine the economy we could grow being in a pact with Switzerland, Isreal, China, Australia, UK, etc.. We could actually concentrate on putting money in programs that are important like NASA instead of sending trillions of dollars over seas to go to war and rebuild infastructer.

The money were wasting on these wars, it would have been so much easier to just nuke them and get it over with..

As long as we had a pact with the countries I stated above, we would be fine, those countries are all survivalist's, they have made it through every war, with boots on the ground, and have seen things that most countries would have just surrendered when faced. Isreal is the most fierce fighting force in the world, China has the largest army in the world, Switzerland has some of the best technology, and the richest country in the world, Australia has always came to help the U.S. in every war, sending as many troops as they could spare. U.K. holds a medien in everything, wealth, technology, fighting forces, they have a good ratio, and have a lot of experience in fighting, and they are not crazy like france.

2009-03-02 [Fade_in2_Dark]: I agree with you [Fenier] the government needs to stop trying to mend the problems of the world and focus on the problems that we have back home in our own country. Hell the United States is facing another depression if the Government dosent do more to try and help fix this economy. Yes in a way I feel bad for Obama, because I dont believe that he truly knew what he was walking into when he took up a term of presidency after the Bush administration fucked over the United States

2009-03-02 [Lightning Cowgirl]: I thought that this page was for bashing the Christian religion, not bashing the war? Damn dont you people have better things to do than hate hate hate?! The world is much too short to hate. Try to see eye to eye. You dont need to agree and you can have your say, but you arent allowed to play judge and jury over people.

2009-03-02 [Fenier]: i disagree dead the un has uses but we as the united states has to say we wont help any more and grow a back bone

2009-03-02 [dead~spirit]: Whoa lady, i am in no way bashing the war.. Your actually talking to one of the most conservative people on this page right now.. I fully support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.. I just dont support the U.N. Learn to read..

2009-03-02 [Fade_in2_Dark]: Well if you think about you could literally see the War over in Iraq as a religious battle...Because the christains think that they hhave to over power and control everyone else. And they also believe that they have to stick there noses in the middle of everyone else's buisness..But meh whatever

2009-03-02 [dead~spirit]: Fade..your kidding me right?? They did come to us remember..the towers.. those things they crashed into? that was Islam coming to America, one of the most Christian based religious countries there is..

2009-03-02 [hammersmashface]: well unfortunetly if we nuke can simply forget anykind of "progressive allience"...alot of those nations dont want allience with the US cause we are so war orientaded...however if we dont fight our way ,other countrys will try to take advantage of my opinion america is not an all powerful force...sorry ,our country is not that great...we do not have the most reasent technoligy...and 65% of our greates scientist are from other countries...wat we have is the worlds best traind soldies ,and a fear of media critizim about soildiers dieing in we have tryed to developed many military functions that revolve aroud defence and armor...

WHAT we need to do is not worry aboutthe UN or other countrys...we need to start investing more into our own is VERY good and important ,but it looses its values wen we have coruped people running thos major companies...we need to get rid of the last genaration in our OWN country...starting a wave of new ideas and thought across the playing field...(politics ,corperations ,government officials)...i dont beleave in peace so i am also for dumping money in the military...with our nations history and big mouth we need somthing strong to back ourselves with...

2009-03-02 [Fenier]: us solders dont worrie about the media at all check this out

2009-03-02 [hammersmashface]: im not realy into politics dont know wat to say...

2009-03-02 [hammersmashface]: not soldires the leaders do...ther has been alot of pressure since vietnam ,not to loose so many lifes...

2009-03-02 [Fenier]: its because pepole are scared to lose any thing

2009-03-02 [Fade_in2_Dark]: Yeah but all goes back to the bull shit the Bush Sr. well.That is half the problem with this country is we rule too much under the Christain religion...Even though that basically goes against everything under the constitution...But yet again our government just dose what it wants to. I mean hell Obama almost went outta the running due the simple fact that his religious prefence wasnt Christainty.

2009-03-02 [Diiwica]: Richard is that the video I JUST sent you?

2009-03-02 [Fenier]: no not that all this started with WWI

2009-03-02 [Diiwica]: I say bring troops home, (like richards) and aniline the terrorist. :)

The U.N. does well as it is, BUT it does need some modifications. Nothing is perfect as it stands, and when it finally reaches perfection, it dies. The only thing that needs to be done is change of orders. How its run, who belongs, what it stands for. Its all in need of modification of some sort.

2009-03-02 [Fade_in2_Dark]: I say that alot of this shit started along ass time ago...and that know one really knows why it happened. It just did happen. But that is my personal opinion. And I agree with [Diiwica] they need to pull our troops outta Iraq and send them home to be with their families and to take care of their families which is where they are needed more so than in Iraq

2009-03-02 [Diiwica]: The issue with the war is not that it had happened a long time ago. Its that its served its purpose. We went to find someone, we found them. Whats the hold up?

2009-03-02 [Fade_in2_Dark]: The fact that we are trying to fix another countries problems before we focus on our own

2009-03-02 [Fenier]: whats the hold up its amarica and we are trying to bring another nation to democrosy and it just started to go in the right direction

2009-03-02 [Diiwica]: no matter what WE AMERICANS do we aren't going to be able to MAKE then do jack shit.

2009-03-02 [Fenier]: you asked

2009-03-02 [Diiwica]: I know, I asked. but it was rhetorical dearest.

2009-03-02 [Fade_in2_Dark]: They are going to do what they want to do. That is all it basically boils down to. But of course the government is to stupid to realise this

2009-03-02 [hammersmashface]: man those soldires and their familys have so many benifits...they are NOT needed at home and if they wer they shouldnt have become you sign up they make it perfictly clear:YOU might go to war and YOU might die...and there are programs that you can go to to explain this with your family adn tehy help you step by step with future plans...

simply bringing our soldiers home will not solve will probly send those countrys in further termoile...their "local melitia" will take over breading more terroist...THEN no matter how many soldiers we have home...we will get attackt...

2009-03-02 [dead~spirit]: Im a little dissapointed in you who all say "lets pull out of Iraq.. Do you not realize how many people are going to die if we do..and do you think thats going to fix the problem..Terrorist are traveling all over from different countries just to fight our soldiers and kill americans in Iraq..where do you think they are going to go when we pull out? you think their just going to say "o well they left, lets just go home.." COME ON!!! they are going to be coming to America..they will bring the fight to us.. Im affraid we got ourselfs into something we actually have to finish for once.. and also if we pull out, what do you think is going to happen to all those brave Iraqi's who are serving as Police and soldiers in Iraq side by side with our guys.. They are all going to see their wifes and daughters raped, their sons and family members murdered, and they themself's will die.. It's too late to nuke it, it's too late to pull out, Were in this for the long haul, and anyone who thinks we can just pull out and everything will be fine, i sure hope your ass lives in NY, or CA, or a highly populated city, because your ass is going to be next, once they take over Iraq, gain influence kill all those brave people over there, they will gain a ton of support out of fear, and media, and then they will be coming here..

The idea of pulling out is fucking retarded.. It wont solve anything. We need to finish it, no matter how long it takes..

Also this is something America is going to be judged by for the rest of our lifes..and right now a lot of countries are hoping we fail so they can go "Ha! see America was beaten again! they are not so great!"

If we walk out of Iraq we give in too peer pressure, and we ruin our image even more.. we better damn well complete this or were going to frag ourself's.

As far as our contry not being the most powerfull YES im telling you it is.. we have the deadliest technology, the worlds best navy, airforce, army, and the worlds best technology, and ytes we do get our scientist from other countries, but you know what..we got them...not the other countries.. it would be retarded to think only America has the best scientist... so we go looking for the best and we grab them before someone else does.. just because a really good scientist comes from Germany doesnt mean all their scientist our brillient...

So yes America is all powerful..

2009-03-02 [hammersmashface]: but you forget all those powerful things are ran by the "folk" with a weak nation all that military power starts to deminish aswell...i fear japan has higher technology...they live breath and sleep technology...we do have a good navy and good airforce but thos bullets and bombs that make our military so powerful cost hundred thousends of that green money...witch is desparetly needed in the shure we have a stockpile of some sort ,but that can only last for so long...

2009-03-02 [hammersmashface]: if we pull out the middle east will continue to fight like they have been since the start of their nations...they will never stop fighting...their religious point of views are too stong to find simpler ways...yet they are not much diffrent from us...except we supsituded religious views with politics and still we is in human (colors) to fight...

2009-03-02 [hammersmashface]: all humans are born to fight ,religions teach them what to fight...~forgot who says that~

2009-03-02 [Fade_in2_Dark]: Your right the military dose provide Financial stabilty for families. And yes you've got all this horrible shit that is going on in the middle east. But the war in the middle east has been going forever and its mostly do to religous reasonings. I dont honestly ever know if there will ever be end to the war in the middle east wether we stay in or pull out. I am not entirely sure that it will matter. No matter what we do there will be consquences either way we go.

By the way [hammersmashface] I love how you forgot the marines lol...But then again the marines are just a bunch of bigheaded idiots in my opinion.Of course Japan has higher technology than we do. And the difference between them and us is that they arent afraid to use that technology. Americans have a tendency to second guess everything...And put things through in a much solower motion than necessary. I am sure that we have technological capabilties that Japan has..It is just a matter of we need to tap into it

2009-03-03 [hammersmashface]: :) oh yeah i did...they are made to be that way...they are traind to beleave they are teh worlds most powerful human that wen they enter combat ,frea nolonger becomes a becomes a wepon...

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: Dead, do you forget about those American men and women that have husbands, wives, sons, daughters who are over in the Arabic nations that are leaving loved ones behind. I can easily name 10 people that are in different countries, taking care of matters there. Not just 10 random people but 10 that actually mean something to me. Hell, I've got a husband over there for gods sakes. My brother served over in the Persian golf 3 times, and on land once; nothing is scarier then when you are talking on the phone to them, and you hear gun fire or bombs going off in the background.

Yeah, the people over there are going to die, but people from here are dieing too. Whats even worse about that is our loved ones that are thousands of miles away and we have got to hear about it by two officers of the military.

When will it be time for Iraq and the other countries to stand on their own? The U.S. cannot ALWAYS be there for them, and cannot always make their errors go away. We are fighting their battle and have FAR too many troops over there. It does not take all that many troops to teach a country how to act like a democracy. I will admit it takes some, but not all that many. If we don't make them stand on their own then they will NEVER learn to stand.

2009-03-03 [dead~spirit]: well I gave you all my words, seem's no one agree's, but we will see when the shit hits the fan, because it is happening..

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: When the shit hits the fans everyone is going to (generally) sing a different tune.

its like with 9-11 everyone was all patriotic then, but now its rare to see that type of loyalty unless the person is of military families.

2009-03-03 [dead~spirit]: I wont be singing a different tune, I warn everyone whats going to will all see a climb in violence in afghanistan, because most of the terrorist will flow there after iraq, and then we will see it on the home front... and by that time they will most likely have nukes, generosity of Iran.

and im sorry but what you basicly saying is "lets throw them in the deep end, and if they dont know how to swim we'll let them drown." you dont see anything wrong with that??

There is no time to think of wifes or husbands if those over seas, this is war, it isnt a drama show. We have business to get done over there, this isnt about you or any other wife or husband, and I hear so many women try to make the war about is about getting the job done and coming home when we can say that Iraq is ready to hold its own.

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: war is about fighting and killing. End of story, not about a job. Its about pride, and the acute need for it. SO we got bombed, that what we did there. "An eye for an eye will make you blind." You are correct this war isn't about me, its about people who let their pride get the way of things. We did to them what they did to us only 100 fold. We went there, to capture someone, so they said when it started. We've done that, and not only that but we've repressed the people and forced them to take up a government that WE say fit.

War is about getting a job done, yeah and when we are done with this war what more is it going to get us? I can tell you, another war. When this war hits our home fronts who is going to have our backs?

We have their backs rite now, and every time someone needs the U.S. we take part in their war, or conflict. That doesn't mean that they are going to do that for us. Hell, we helped London with the bus bombing, and we still yet have little it ANY at all help from them.

The United States, goes to the side of any country that needs us, but we rarely get their aid in return because when we need it they pull the "we don't want to get involved" card. What good is it doing us?

Sooner or later we are going to be hit with this war on our shores, then what? Is it still not going to be about the people that you love? Or are you heartless enough to still see it as a job?

Its a job, but its also a life. We are sooner or later going to loose some here on this soil, and when we do, I'd hope like hell, you've been able to turn your emotions off enough to do a job. This "war" is about to become personal really quick.

2009-03-03 [hammersmashface]: :D im ready...wen the suburban warfare hits ,i will be defending the my forest...

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: I'll go postal if someone tries to touch my family. =^.^= i love my country but i love my family more

2009-03-03 [snowwolfsa]: Well i agree with Dead on this one. We need to finish what we started. It is funny, cause everyone says "they don't want us there anyway".. you know how many soldiers ive talked to that said, the people are thankful we are there, quite a few. the only ones who don't want us their, are the extremists and well that's because those are the ones we are fighting, if they wanted us there to, well then there would be no war would there?

Fade...Wtf? "Of course Japan has higher technology than we do. And the difference between them and us is that they aren't afraid to use that technology. Americans have a tendency to second guess everything...And put things through in a much solower motion than necessary. I am sure that we have technological capabilties that Japan has..It is just a matter of we need to tap into it" please explain to me where japan has used a greater technology on us, and we were to afraid to use it?... they bombed our harbors, i believe was the last attack they pulled, we FUCKED UP two of their city's with an even more powerful bomb. as for today's standards, stop being so Naive you actually think that we don't utilize EVERY piece of technology available to us? sorry but last time i checked, the united states government didn't go around bragging about EVERYTHING we are and are not using. Its silly to sit there and believe that.

Diiwica, you flip flop your opinions so much it makes my head hurt, correct me if I am wrong, but where you not just trying to do the SAME thing to your child? give him or her a (pretty decent chance) of having two soldiers walk up to the house and tell the current guardian of your child that his or her (sorry dont know if its a girl or a boy) mother has died in iraq... its kind of silly to wanna join the military, but yet be so against this war.

and 13thour, im actualy impressed, you stated the biggest point out of this whole military debate, and i will sum it up "THE MILITARY IS FUCKING VOLUNTARY" there is no draft. so obviously the people who sign up know exactly where they are going, and must agree with the war to some degree. (which again, i will say, diiwica, your flip flopping, makes my head hurt) and dont hit me with the stupid "well maybe they joined for college reasons" excuse, cause thats all it is, is a fucking excuse people use to say "well so and so didnt join cause he supported the war, he joined to get college payed for" you know what i say BULLSHIT! there are far better ways to get your college paid for then going into the military during war time.

and btw, let me point out that "1:12:21 (4h ago) [Diiwica]: The issue with the war is not that it had happened a long time ago. Its that its served its purpose. We went to find someone, we found them. Whats the hold up?"

the hold up is, that we HAVE NOT served the purpose of this war. we did not go into iraq looking for "someone", we used the war on terror as an excuse to go into iraq, but that wasn't the reason, we went into iraq, to "claim" their WMD's that we never found, to get suddam out, and re-establish a stable working government, so far, we have accomplished, getting suddam out. as for the stable working government... i don't believe we are there yet...least we were not last time i checked. (btw, i dont care if that question was rhetorical or not)

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: I was trying to get in yes, but now I am a stay at home mom and a house wife. =^.^=

They have a government. Its starting to run smoothly. But I still stick to my previous statement, they don't need as many there as what are.

2009-03-03 [Fenier]: thats wrong we need more solders

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: No we need you home, now sush hun. I revoke you right to prove me wrong... =^.^=

2009-03-03 [dead~spirit]: The more soldiers=the more ground being watched= the less places for terrorist to sneek around and plant IED's, and sleep.

2009-03-03 [hammersmashface]: i hope obama fixes some of the economy...thers no way he can fix it all ,but i hope he sets us off in the right way...

2009-03-03 [dead~spirit]: Thats why the idea that Snow and I throw around of China invading the U.S. scares the shit out of us, because were good, and were going to fight them off, but with that many soldiers against you....I hope you have some good backup plan because basicly its going to go like this.."Run, they found us!" *Fire off 6 rounds run, spin and shoot off 12 more rounds while partner runs past you. Keep firing rounds until partner gets into the doorway of next building to cover fire for you, then get up and run into that building while he bursts off a whole mag of 30 rounds, run through the building as he reloads, kick out back door, as the front door area gets blown off with a rocket, run out back door, lay down cover fire from doorway as he runs out to cover or next building, then he covers you, while you run to next building etc..constantly while being in contact with the enemy..That is a shitty scenerio to be in, and the terrorist dont even know that shit so they would probably be dumb enough to try and hold up in a building, and get blown to hell.

2009-03-03 [de Morte]: So... [Diiwica] invited me here, even though I'm here a lot... ?!?

2009-03-03 [dead~spirit]: I think she was hoping for a rebuttle out of us or something..

2009-03-03 [Fade_in2_Dark]: All I have to say is thank god that Obama had gotten office and not McCain. Because if McCain woulda gotten office it would of been the same as another term with Bush, This country would be headed even deeper for a depression

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: No de Morte was an accidental invite, I had thought that I had clocked off your name when sending the incite. Sorry.

Obama... I wish that McCain would of gotten in. Bush was doing a good enough. :/

2009-03-03 [dead~spirit]: I voted for McCain..

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: I voted that way. My mother still hates me for it, but I don't feel bad for what I had done.

2009-03-03 [Fade_in2_Dark]: I really did not like McCain at all...Things were going along pretty well untill the bush adminstration stepped into place. We really could use Clinton back in office...Atleast things were some what decent back then..But hey these are just my personal opinions.

2009-03-03 [dead~spirit]: Wow, i love how all you Democrats seem to be so brainwashed.. Last time I checked Bush was leaving office, AKA the Bush Administration is no more.. stop trying to blame problems from one administration onto another, just because they are both conservatives, atleast the McCain Administration doesnt have their head in their ass's.. Ebverything I head you Democrats say is copied off the T.V.

2009-03-03 [Diiwica]: Its not that they were decent back then dark. it was that we were young. Shit I doubt you remember how bad it really was hon, but I sure as hell do. I know that your life wasn't much different than my own, because for cripes sake we grew up together.

and bush is outta office. Its obama's fault now. and if you've not noticed, its worse now... we are now in a debt that we aren't going to get out of, and it was because of obama.

2009-03-03 [Fade_in2_Dark]: Well either way its someone's fault that's all it boils down to...And no matter what happens what ever happened during one presidency will be passed along for the next to deal with. And it will become their problem.And yes [Diiwica] I remember and them times. As do many. And of everything seems easier when we are younger. We dont have anything to worry about really other than just being young and having a good time. I think that either way we went wether obama or mccain there was bound to be problems. Me personally I felt more so with mccain than with obama. Maybe I will be proven wrong who knows. If I am than I am. All I know and care about is thefuture and security of my family. And making sure that my family will have a decent life. And generally be happy.No one is perfect I just hope that obama can manage to get this country headed down the right track once again

2009-03-03 [hammersmashface]: well the president is just an icon to blaim anyways...its not like the persident has absolut its the entire office...the entire senet they ALL have to to say that it is bushes foult is (pointless)...cause its the entire "government"...granet bush S and Jr wer pressing the issue of a was the (house) that voted YES to actualy go to war...(i could be wrong tho)(my knowlage into politics dosent run that deep)...i feel that as a commen folk we realy have no true insight as to wat the "govenment and world leaders" are realy doing...we are not inside those closed doors listing to top seacret information to realy be in a position to claim we know wat is best for this situation..."all we know is ,wat they allowed us to know...i feel (personaly) taht obama will strive to do his best for teh simple fakt ,that he is the first colord persident...thus he should strive to set an example...alot of eyes are on him...

2009-03-03 [Fade_in2_Dark]: Yeah...Alot of people feel as though that is the main reason that Obama got office. Was because he was colored. And there for it lead more colored people to vote. I dont know if this is true or not. But I mean yeah in a way it would naturally make sense. But its like my bf he is colored...But he wouldnt vote for Obama because he didnt believe in him...He didnt believe in McCain either so there for he seen no reason to vote. I just thought it was kinda funny how right after Obama got elected. Alot of people seemed to think that somehow he being president was going to fix racial prejiduces and discrimination. It was kinda like wow seriously. No matter what there are always going to be racist people out there. And having a person of color as president isnt going to change that. There a few people that also believe that because Obama is president there arent hardly any racial issues out there anymore. I hate to break it to you but me and bf are proof that there are. We go to the local grocery store which is in a prodimentially white community...There are other people of color that shop there as well but not as much as white people. People stare at us and give us dirty looks. They also talk about us in very rude and discriminating ways. All because he is black and I am white.

2009-03-03 [hammersmashface]: yep since yall are a mix it makes it worse too...

2009-03-04 [Fade_in2_Dark]: Oooh Believe me I know...and its hard to say that we dont care or that it dosent have us because in a way we do care. Because we just want to be left alone...And not have people staring us just because we are holding hands as we walk through the store like any other couple. But I guess in some other people's mind its wrong because we are a mixed couple. But whatever fuck em all

2009-03-06 [dead~spirit]: Wow, way to let the comversation die everyone..

2009-03-06 [hammersmashface]: ~*~intermission~*~

2009-03-06 [Diiwica]: There kinda was just nothing more to say

2009-03-07 [Fade_in2_Dark]: Pretty much...That and I think we have all been going thru our fair share of personal problems at home that are taking a higher level of priority than the things that are to be said in a wiki on elftown. Well atleast I know myself and a few other friends have been that way..

2009-03-09 [dead~spirit]: So, I came to the conclusion that Obama is trying to destroy our country just so he can rebuild it as socialist. He is taking down our missile defence systems, which means america will be completely open to attack...he is turning over bush's bann on stem cell research, and giving abortion clinics funding for cells, basicly going against 60% of americas beliefs by funding abortions, and that also means that the clone wars we all seen on t.v. has finally come...peope I never used to believe all these christians when they said he might be the anti christ, but now im starting to wonder.. seriously, who shuts down a countries defences???

He is purposely trying to destroy the free market.. He spent more then double what Bush spent in his entire two terms of service, in one fucking day by passing that stimulus bill, which by the way goes against every concept of the American constitution. The government is not saposed to get involved with the free market, it is not saposed to have control over our savings, and money, it is not saposed to get involved with anything that involves business. And by giving the stimulus bill, that over a trillion dollars.. he only made the problem worse.. companies are still going to fall because they couldnt adapt to the changes being made, and now our country is in debt more then ever.. why is it no one is saying how bad of a guy he is but if bush did that everyone would have jumped on the band wagon screaming murderer??

Now i was always uncertain about the guy as president, but now im starting to wonder wtf is wrong with everyone, why is no one seeing this shit, or caring about this..

The man asked Russia to talk to Iran for us...Yea, because im sure a socialist country that has been knocking heads with us, and showing signs that they might go against us in war is surely going to carry out our best interest....

Why isnt anyone seeing this?

2009-03-09 [Diiwica]: He's got us in more debt than any single president has. In fact its going to take us at least 20 years to get out of this, "state of recession". Giving businesses money isn't going to help them IF the people don't have the money to spend. That is just basic knowledge there. What little bit of money the people have they are using for things they have to have.

He's opening us up, and inviting terrorist into the country. I may not agree with the war, but that doesn't mean I have to agree to make us an open target. We don't need this shit knocking on our doors. Fuck that's the last thing I want. Some fucking nut job coming into my home.

Oboma needs to be impeached, and bring McCain in. There is a Time when enough is enough, and we've reached that point. A lot of people only voted for him because he was "black." Shit even blacks say that he's not black because he "doesn't have slave blood in him." This man has not what it takes to run a country the correct way.

Bush, i will admit, wasn't doing the greatest job, but he was doing WAY better than this clown. ">.>

2009-03-09 [hammersmashface]: people dont care because obama is still under the cover...every one was so hyped up about getting bush OUT its liek now they follow blind regardless of outcome...(as long as its not bush)...i think i made this point befor..."humans are powerful creatures ,but if you stick a bunch of them together they becom a mindless comunity following stupid ideas"...i think it cgos like this

"one human is a powerful creature ,many humans are a flock of ignorance"... somthing like that...alone we might sit here adn logiccaly think this out ,however the majority will simply follow blind...this is true in politics aswell as religion or gangs or "most" any other organization involving humans...

2009-03-09 [hammersmashface]: but ummm just cause he dosnt have "slave blood" dose NOT mean someone isnt not sure if you wer just saying that as some kinda metaphore or you ment just sounded funny

2009-03-09 [dead~spirit]: Well who's ready to take on invading forces?? Seriously, we should probably start setting up a resistance, because it looks like it might happen soon. If you guys can, should come to MI, we have lots of water here, and vegetation, and wildlife.

2009-03-09 [hammersmashface]: same in ever EVERY one got a stock pile of guns and amo....ohhh Dead~S did you hear that obama want EVRY bullet to have a "controll" number on it...increasing the price of amo by 65%-90%...some states have already satrted...some states are still deciding...

2009-03-09 [Diiwica]: Blacks who don't like him claim that. its funny.

2009-03-09 [hammersmashface]: i just love how alot of black people are still on that whole "enslavement" issue...acting like they wer the only people that has even been enslaved..."infackt" i do beleave they had it the easyest enslavement of all...the egyptians treated tehir slaves way worse and so did the early mongols...most of theas black who claim their "slave blood" have no real understanding of slavery...they f@ked up theire OWN lifes and now they want to blaime someone else for the big bad white man...(not that the "white" folk are angles or anything...cause a big misunderstood concept is that only about 60% of thos black slaves wer stollen from africa...the other 40% wer SOLD by their own kind after tehy figured out that they can make money off it...ok maybe it was 70/30 somthing like that...

(not that im trying to start some kinda racial discussion)

2009-03-10 [dead~spirit]: I do believe what 13thour is trying to say in a ignorant manner is that most african americans have it better then whites now, they have more oppertunities for them, and they even have scholarships for just being black...yet most of them dont take advantage of this and would rather stay in the ghetto pumping up on drugs, and banging hoes in the back seat, because the media has made that image appealing to them. It's basicly a whole other culture, and a negative one at that. Although it has its benefits like it supplies jobs to law enforcement, and stores in the area around prostitution points. As for the most part though, it is a drain on our tax dollars, and not just from the crime committed by these areas, but also for the welfare tax's that are taken out of our every check that pays for them to feed and breed while they spend their money on drugs, and alcohol.. feels great to be forced to supply their habit... now of course not all african americans fall into this catergory, to think that would be utter stupidity, but a large fraction of them do, and its over 80% african americans that clutter our jails. Now is this a social issue, or a coincidence?

2009-03-10 [Diiwica]: I'd like to think that there are "African Americans" and then your "Niggers" Excuse my language. In that I mean the African Americans are those people who, much like obama, made something of their life other than drugs, gang banging, and what not. Then your other category, would classify , not only blacks but some whites, and all other races too, those that live in the ghetto, living on welfare, buying drugs, having, who knows how many kids, and not trying to better their self. There are a million and one freaking ways for a person of darker skin tone to get ahead in life now a days. They've got gods know how many scholarships so that they can go to school for free, and they don't take it. They don't have that for people of the Caucasian race.

I don't think the media has much effect on it. Sure it has some, but the media doesn't make people do what they do. They do it because they know they can get away with it. If the state is going to pay for them to eat and for their housing cost, then why would they want to get a real job and better their self. Its simply a matter of upbringing. They are brought up in that situation and tough, that its ok. The mass majority of them are never tough that there is a better way of life.

Then again, maybe that is just my view. I could be Fully wrong...

(I'm not raciest, I just have a poor disposition on lazy people.)

2009-03-10 [dead~spirit]: And another thing that really bugs me.. why do we call them African Americans?? Not one of them have even been to Africa!! They should just be called Americans just like the rest of us. I think the term African Americans is set up to establish a "us and them" scenerio, that some one behind the curtains uses to keep us fighting each other instead of standing side by side and seeing real issues, like a president that plays the race card and tries to divide this country in half, and destroy it in more ways then one. I think we need a bias opinion on this from someone who falls under the race we speak of..

2009-03-10 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Crackas you trippin

2009-03-10 [Diiwica]: Heres a random thought for today, (ironic):
Ideas don't stay in some minds very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

2009-03-11 [de Morte]: Heh, I grew up with real African Americans-people who moved here from Africa. They are completely different than the people who are born here in the way that they keep tradition a big part of their lives. The women cook for the men, men have 1-3 wives, women are not allowed to eat until the men finish-and then they have to eat in the kitchen instead of with the men or in the main dining area. The women have a bunch of children (children equals more people to do work around the house). My step-father (although a complete asshole) came to the US with $87 to his name-and somehow got jobs, worked hard (although never did shit around the house when he lived with us, just yelled at the TV during political debates) started his own business and made a life for himself.

2009-03-11 [dead~spirit]: Exactly my point! All these people living in our society today that claim they are victems of society just because of their skin color, have no clue. They are hopeless, and they really do know of the advantages out there like free schooling and such, they just are plain lazy like diwiica stated. Yet we keep supporting their ass's. Some people will only do what they need to do in order to survive as long as they have too. If we suddenly voted to cut off welfare, and make these assholes pay for everything themself's, one of two things would happen..some of them would die from being shot while committing crimes, and the rest would move up in life working to pay their bills, and keep a place of living... I swear if the majority of america just got smart and realized this, we would have this whole problem taken care of.

2009-03-11 [Diiwica]: I think welfare is a good thing for a limited amount of time. It should be monitored. Sometimes people really do need help, and for those people who work through life, and need that once in a while, it should be there to help them in time crises.

2009-03-11 [hammersmashface]: i agree i know of two familys taht actualy NEED it due to sudden work loss but cant get it cause they dont qualify...aperrantly you need to be a compleat leech on sociaty with no intention of bettering yourself AND you have to be the parent of 8 children from 7 different all means DO NOT EVER tell them you are still looking for a job...they will tell you " :) keep looking :) " but im sorry "monitoring" it will only allow some already rich mother f@ker to embessle or get $14.3 mil for his bonus and vacation...

2009-03-19 [dead~spirit]: Now for a topic that trikes closer to home.. How does one exactly "Move on" ?

2009-03-19 [Diiwica]: Take all the things from that person, put them in a box and put that box as far out of sight as you can. (Don't throw them away, you may want them later...) Go out with friends, often. If you are sitting and doing nothing, your mind is likely to wonder back to a place you don't want it to. Go out and have fun, even if you are doing the most immature thing that makes you smile...

From what I can read for you "move on" statement, is that you are going though a hard time with "moving on". Wish I could say that it would be easy to do that, but the cold truth of life is that its not going to be easy. Moving past something takes time, the more you cared about something or someone the longer it takes. In many cases you never fully move on, the pain just gets lesser. The only way to forget and move on 100% would be if you were to have psychotherapy and forced into forgetting.

2009-03-19 [dead~spirit]: that would be nice.

2009-03-19 [Diiwica]: Truth be told, unless you have your mind messed with, you are going to think about it a lot. Even now, as a married woman i think about how things were with my Ex Joe and wounder if things would be different, even though I've not got feelings for him in that way. Wish I could offer support in some way other than that.

2009-03-19 [hammersmashface]: dare i say it...?? could always seek help from the good christians :D

2009-03-20 [Raven Song]: Dead, as a fellow who is trying to 'move on' I'd say your best bet is take some time and find yourself. Honestly, When my Ex left me I was a wreck, depressed 24/7 Still am in a way and its been a few months. I spent years with my Ex, and I will never forget her, I love her even to this day after all she did to me, Like Diiwica said, Go out with friends, have fun, the more fun you're having the more chances you'll not wonder 'what if' And who knows you may find someone who's been there the whole time right around the corner, someone who might spark your interest. Not sure if any of it helps but Eh, at least I know what you're going through.

2009-03-23 [dead~spirit]: you people are not going to believe this...but I found God.

2009-03-23 [hammersmashface]: in minnesota?

2009-03-23 [dead~spirit]: Dont quiet your day time job.

2009-03-23 [hammersmashface]: nope i make too much money to do that...\m/

2009-03-23 [Diiwica]: and where was he hiding? Within yourself?

2009-03-23 [dead~spirit]: no, but he exists im telling you.

2009-03-23 [Diiwica]: I'm not denying that. I was being dead serious with those comments.

2009-03-23 [hammersmashface]: pfshh

2009-03-24 [Raven Song]: Congrats on that Dead, hope it brings you peace.

2009-03-24 [dead~spirit]: haha peace is far away i think. peace comes with death.

2009-03-24 [hammersmashface]: haha then i wish you PEACE!

2009-03-24 [dead~spirit]: haha so do I.

2009-03-24 [Diiwica]: I'm going to second Dead's wish... <img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2009-03-24 [hammersmashface]: so who won the banner contest? by the way

2009-03-25 [dead~spirit]: yea i guess i did..

2009-03-25 [de Morte]: I just made badges... :p

2009-03-25 [dead~spirit]: I want a badge.

2009-03-27 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Jagshemash ! ! !

2009-03-28 [dead~spirit]: OMG Tarkis!! you returned..

2009-03-28 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Cracka, you trippin'.

I never left, I'm just not very active here abouts.

2009-04-04 [dead~spirit]: Come home so you can run with superman and I. LOL You too can throw up while running..

2009-04-06 [dead~spirit]: Look out America WE ARE NEXT. (it has been going on for a long time but now its getting to this point.)

2009-04-06 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Save the foxes.

Ban the weapons.

2009-04-06 [Mortified Penguin]: Screw the foxes! ...the NRA rules!

2009-04-06 [hammersmashface]: its their own fault for giveing up their wont work here...ppl will just hide them...

2009-04-06 [dead~spirit]: You dont think so 13th? You do realize they already did it in Washington D.C.? The most dangerous state of mind to be in when a problem is unfolding is denial. It didnt work for Germany before WWII, it didnt work for the jews, it didnt work for the UK, it didnt work for Washington D.C. and it isnt going to work for us..if we just ignore it and say "well it isnt going to happen" its going to happen...and this is a VERY serious issue.. As your Wiki Owner I want each and every one of you to realize the dangers of any type of gun control whether it be out right gun control, or alternative methods such as misinterpretations of the 2nd amendment..I want each and every one of you to become educated

2009-04-06 [dead~spirit]: and take a stand against gun control. Tell all your friends and family, tell everyone, but first become well educated on the issue. You will earn kudo's from me, and a lot more respect from me and a few other son here as well. I might even make a badge for any one who actually takes a stand or does their research on this subject and sends it too me routinely. or you can post it on here..i like that idea so all those who for some reason decided that educating themselfs against gun control wasnt worth their precious time can read it and maybe start to understand how dangerous this is. [de Morte] Is there any way you can make a Anti-Gun control thread on here? or Angelic...with in 24 hopurs of me posting this messege I have to go to class. Also only post facts no one sided anti gun opinions.. Im looking for WELL EDUCATED Research.

2009-04-06 [hammersmashface]: yeah and it didnt work cuz there are STILL guns in DC...a nation gun controll will not work here in the us...wen ppl cant get their "producks" they get them under the counter...simple...its just like drugs those have been band for years and still more and more ppl are useing briton tehy WILLINGLY handed over their the us ppl are not so willing

2009-04-07 [de Morte]: By thread do you want to make a new wiki associated with GLH or what?

2009-04-07 [dead~spirit]: Yes a new wiki would work.

2009-04-24 [Diiwica]: There is already "gun control" here in the U.S. it doesn't stop anyone form having a gun. Sure if you are over 21 you can get a CCWP (Carry a Concealed Weapon Permit), however that doesn't stop people from getting their hands on something that they really want. I can tell you right now, that if I really wanted a hand gun, all I would have to do is go down the road, and ask someone in a local area known as WH (Washington Heights).

It all falls back to, where there is a will, there is a way. If someone wants something bad enough they will get what they want. Yes, that does as well apply to those who want guns.

Dead while I support your idea, I think its just something that we aren't going to be able to reach in any decent amount of time, if ever at that thought. Everyone has their ideas on how to make things safer, and while yours is good, and many share it. Its is just something hard to reach, and sure again where there is a will there is a way.

I mean, as is you have to have a CCW to go and buy a hand gun, and even have to register your Weapon when you buy any sort of gun. That doesn't stop jack. Fake ID's, fake papers and everything still make it so there is no way to trace things. Then what is accomplished?

I don't mean to sound like a defeatist (one who is pessimistic), but reality must indeed play a part in things. <img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2009-04-24 [hammersmashface]: lol down here people dont even have a can go to several trailors where you can buy any gun you want(just about)...fully auto, simi auto, handguns, a life homemade granade cost ya about 1k...NOT that i buy my guns there(who knows where those guns have been used) i just buy amo there cuz its about 50% cheeper then any store in the area

2009-05-07 [Fenier]: a russan general once said that you can never over run amarica because there is a gun in every home if you take a look at the ware in iraq you will see the results of a gun in every home im bouth for and aginst gun control in that im some one who beleaves that the goverment should know its malita fighting force if need be but it shouldent limit the number or the type to much

2009-05-07 [Diiwica]: I have guns. :S They are at my moms at this time...<img:44166_1164145197.gif>

2009-05-07 [hammersmashface]: Diiwica as your lawyer i advise you to get you guns back!

2009-05-07 [Diiwica]: As a woman of free will, and someone who has a CHILD in my home, I say no. Anyway, my lawyer is a woman, and she works in battle creek, both I am positive you know nothing about. so shush your inhumane illogical mouth. Understood?

2009-05-08 [hammersmashface]: well you dont have to compliment me like that but nothing happen to that child!!

2009-05-14 [Ranon =3]: Hey, I know it says at the top "please send a message to the owner or admin" but i noticed that they haven't logged on in several days, so I thought it might be quicker to apply here?

So Is it okay for me to join please? I appreciate this group for standing up to christians ^_^

2009-05-14 [Diiwica]: Anyone is welcome to join, but the only issue is the admins are the only ones that have the password. :)

But you are more than welcome to take part in conversation, when there is one.

On a side note, Temple, sorry about my previous post. I was really mad, and you just happened to be there

2009-05-14 [hammersmashface]: awwwww *feels honord

2009-05-14 [Diiwica]: Don't dwell on it too much, I may snip at any moment. I'm a moody person, just ask [Ravensong] or [Fenier] they've both put up with me for a while. I've got a tempter that changes rapidly. One second I am laughing the next I may have a knife at your throat.

2009-05-14 [hammersmashface]: thats ok...ive seen the REAL you :P your not a mean person :D

2009-05-14 [Diiwica]: LOL, never have I really been mean. Most of my meanness is a front. The meaner you appear, the less people you have to deal with. Its all about image.

2009-05-14 [hammersmashface]: well you shouldnt go around saying every one will know...:P (including this new person) :P

2009-05-14 [Diiwica]: everyone here knows

2009-05-14 [hammersmashface]: oh. i guess i was the last to find out then!

2009-05-14 [Diiwica]: :) at least you aren't like half of my online friends that assume that I am a fat chick :S.

2009-05-14 [hammersmashface]: :P i dont know maybe its the name thats so missleading

2009-05-14 [Diiwica]: Diiwica means goddess of hunt. is Siberian

2009-05-14 [hammersmashface]: allways hunting for more food !!! :P

2009-05-21 [The Voice of Difference]: Hi guys, I missed you all.

2009-06-10 [Angelic nightmares]: I've been gone I know. I have this thing, called a life, and a job. I still get on ET, but usually not long enough to keep up with everything.

So much has changed. People leave, and they change.

2009-06-10 [Diiwica]: Im a stay at home mom, i have little to really do during the day other than care for the wee one, thus leaving me with loads of free time, now that he's a bit older.

2009-06-10 [Tarkis Nethermoon]:

Just in case the one person out there who hasn't seen this belongs to our little club.

2009-06-11 [de Morte]: NO! Not that damned thing! ... stuck in my head now... v.v

2009-06-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Shh, don't struggle; Just breathe it in.

Yeah, it's pretty awesome, I know. I would also suggest "I'm on a Boat," "Lazy Sunday" and "Like a Boss" by the same. It's unfortunate that a lot of that has been out for a while and didn't really get very much publicity until the album release.

2009-06-12 [The Voice of Difference]: It's more known than you realize.

2009-06-13 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: All I catch about the North Korean Nuclear Standoff crap is articles on Yahoo when I'm checking my mail but it's sorta' starting to concern me.. I haven't heard crap about it on base, but wtf? Does anybody feel they have enough of an understanding of the situation to broach it here? I can't understand why they would be provoking the U.S. It makes me suspicious of what's going on behind the scenes. It would be insane to issue challenges like that without some hardcore backing..

2009-06-17 [Angelic nightmares]: I came on ET looking for something, and forgot what I looking for...

2009-06-17 [Diiwica]: lol

2009-06-18 [dead~spirit]: well Snowolf found something more dangerous..xboxlive has went done for over 24 hours, saposably its the end of the world.

2009-06-18 [Diiwica]: Thats why we don't have out xbox on the net. '>.>

2009-06-19 [Angelic nightmares]: I hate xbox live :P It's stolen my ray ray from me

2010-04-13 [Fenier]: to bad the good games are going online now

2010-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: I gots me a ps3. Free online gaming, son... *eats ramen*...

2010-04-13 [Fenier]: it still sucks that they are makeing most of the games only playable online *what happend to all the stand alone games*

2010-04-13 [Diiwica]: They died and ate your soul

2010-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: What games are only playable online? I'm pretty sure they all have some sort of non-online storyline you can play...

2010-04-13 [de Morte]: Some games are good solo or online.

2010-04-13 [Fenier]: not very many

2010-04-14 [snowwolfsa]: holy shit people are talking! lol the wiki's been inactive for quite some time

2010-04-14 [Fenier]: thats true

2011-01-12 [de Morte]: boo

2011-01-16 [Xorital]: bawls

2011-01-16 [de Morte]: lol

2011-04-22 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Hello all ;)

2011-04-22 [de Morte]: Hello!

2011-09-12 [dead~spirit]: Im done resting, im done pretending, im done hiding, im done fighting whats really me. This is not me this just a fake. break me roughly and let the pieces shatter until theres nothing left because this life is cheap glass, and im done

2011-09-26 [Sagacious Turkey]: Okie doke. Anything else?

2012-07-11 [dead~spirit]: nope

2012-07-11 [Mortified Penguin]: Cool story, bro.

2012-07-12 [de Morte]: Not much going on here it seems...

2012-07-12 [dead~spirit]: Thats whats going on..oh ya...

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